Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Active Record
2) Array
3) CGI
4) Class
5) Collections
6) Database
7) Date
8) Design Patterns
9) Development
10) File Directory
11) GUI
12) Hash
13) Language Basics
14) Method
15) Network
16) Number
17) Rails
18) Range
19) Reflection
20) Statement
21) String
22) Threads
23) Time
24) Tk
25) Unit Test
26) Windows Platform
27) XML
1) Add day ordinal suffix to Time
2) Add seconds and multiples of seconds to add to a time with +
3) Add step method to Time
4) An email message format time output
5) ArgumentError
6) Check whether a time is daylight savings time or not with dst or isdst
7) Checking Whether Daylight Saving Time Is Currently in Effect
8) Compare time local
9) Compare times from now and 10 seconds in the future
10) Convert epoch times back into Time objects
11) Convert Time objects to an integer representing the number of seconds since the Unix time epoch
12) Convert time to time zone
13) Converting Between Time Zones
14) Create a Time object based on GMTUTC
15) Create a timer based on Time class and sleep
16) Create Time local
17) Doing Time Arithmetic
18) Except for the Navajo Nation, Arizona doesnt use Daylight Saving Time
19) Find out the hour of the day and the number of minutes and seconds on that hour
20) Finding the Day of the Week
21) Finding Todays Date
22) Format time as
23) Format time as %A, %B %d, %Y
24) Format time as %D
25) Format time as %d%m%y
26) Format time as %m%d%Y
27) Format time as %m-%d-%Y %H
28) Format time as %m-%d-%Y %I
29) Format Time as httpdate
30) Format time as iso8601
31) Format Time as rfc822
32) Get all kinds of particulars, such as the day, the day of the week, and the day of the year
33) Is daylight saving time
34) Is daylight saving time by time zone
35) Is it a leap year
36) Manipulate time objects by adding and subtracting numbers of seconds to them
37) Query with utc (or gmt) to see whether it represents Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC (also known as Greenwich Mean Time or GMT).tx
38) Restore the original time zone
39) Retrieve the year, the month, and the timezone
40) Strftime(%U) and strftime(%W)
41) The arguments to Time local are (in order) year, month, date, hour, minutes, seconds You can also call local with these arguments
42) The Time class allows you to create Time objects based on arbitrary dates
43) Time Formatting Directives
44) Time gm(2006) strftime(The year is %Y!)
45) Time Introduction
46) Time local and Time gm
47) Time now creates an instance of class Time thats set to the current time
48) Time Object Methods Used to Access DateTime Attributes
49) Time represented internally as seconds since the (platform-dependent) epoch
50) Time utc
51) Time#strftime directives
52) To set a given time, use the local method (mktime is a synonym)
53) Validate a date
54) You can see the difference in two Time objects by subtracting them